1. Purpose of the service 

The Foundation for Finnish Inventions (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) provides services to its customers (hereinafter referred to as the Customer) as part of the Idearefinery™ service. The Foundation’s Grafituki™ service consists of communication and graphic design experts. Grafituki™ offers communication and graphic design services to customers, with the aim of helping the customer to obtain better communication materials and graphic products, and to communicate better with their help.

2. Target groups of the service

Individual inventors and innovators, as well as SMEs, can use Grafituki™ services to develop communication and marketing materials for the development, commercialization, and overall promotion of their new invention or innovation. The problem is often that the owner of the idea has difficulty producing communication intended for the acquisition of a customer, partner, or financier. If the message is not clear and weighed, or it is presented vaguely, it is difficult to convince the listener of the goodness of the idea. The service helps the customer to develop better material by bringing experts into the process, who must be able to open the idea so that material can be produced to communicate its excellence.

3. Ownership and copyrights

The ownership and copyrights of the materials, recordings, and content resulting from the Grafituki™ service are transferred to the Customer under this delivery condition, including the right to publish, edit, and further transfer.

The Foundation retains parallel rights to the produced material and may modify and produce new material based on it for the needs of other customers or the Foundation’s other activities. 

4. Publicity of the assignment between the Foundation and the Customer

The Foundation may sign the Customer’s advertising and use the material intended for the Customer’s public distribution for its own reference purposes. If the Customer does not want certain material to be used as a reference, it must be notified separately. The Foundation also has the right to mention the customer’s name and tell the quality of the delivery in general when telling about the services, unless the Customer has specifically prohibited it.

5. Requesting the Service

Grafituki™ services are requested using the application form available on the Keksintösäätiö website. It can be found at:

By filling out and submitting the application, the Customer provides information to the Foundation. This information is used to assess the need for the service, as well as to produce and communicate the service. The Foundation respects the Customer’s privacy and data protection. The Foundation’s privacy statement can be found at

The Customer is aware and understands that although the Foundation strives to do its best within its operations to protect all information related to the Customer, there is always a possibility that information may end up in the wrong hands due to the information systems in use. The Customer agrees not to include any confidential information in their application and understands that no guarantee is given for the confidentiality of such information.

6. Evaluation Criteria

When the Customer submits an application, the Foundation’s experts review and evaluate it. The following factors are scored in the evaluation, and the selection is made based on the scoring:

a) Readiness and excellence of the idea

  • How clearly the idea is described
  • Whether the idea has the potential to revolutionize or create a new market
  • The current status of the idea’s implementation
  • How well the requirements for developing and utilizing the idea are understood

b) Impact

  • Whether the potential customer base is sufficiently identified and whether customers have been contacted
  • Whether competitors and the industry are sufficiently well known
  • How clearly the implementation of the idea is understood
  • How well the necessary networks, partners, and other competence resources are understood

c) Quality of the project

  • Whether the desired workload is reasonable in relation to the available service
  • Whether the target result is clearly defined
  • Whether the applicant is ready to actively promote the development of communication work
  • Whether the applicant has a clear goal for the materials to be developed and how they will be utilized

Based on these evaluation criteria, applications are either accepted, rejected, or additional information may be requested. If the application is rejected, the Customer may, if they wish, clarify the deficiencies in their application and submit a new application.

7. Service Price and Costs

The service is free of charge for the Customer. The Customer may incur other costs, such as the use of their own working time, the purchase of other external services, the printing or reproduction of Grafituki™ work results, etc. All indirect and direct costs are the responsibility of the Customer.

8. Performing the Service

The service must be performed as agreed within the agreed schedule. The work is considered completed when it is completed based on the mutually agreed goal, or the Foundation announces that it has completed it, or when the Customer has satisfactorily received the materials produced by the Foundation. The service lasts a maximum of 4 months.

If the work requires the approval of proofs, the service includes up to two proof rounds.

The Customer must immediately notify any comments on the performance of the service as soon as the reason is discovered. Any comments must be made in writing, however, no later than fourteen (14) days after the completion of the work.

9. Responsibilities and Obligations of the Foundation

The Foundation evaluates the received applications and grants the right to use the Grafituki™ expert service to applicants who receive a positive decision. The Foundation is responsible for ensuring that the work and measures under its responsibility are carried out as agreed, carefully, and with the professional skill required by the task. The Foundation appoints a contact person who monitors the implementation of the service and assists in any problem situations.

The Foundation is not obliged to provide the Grafituki™ service, and a negative decision on the application does not need to be specifically justified.

10. Responsibilities and Obligations of the Customer

Upon receiving a positive decision on their application, the Customer is obliged to start the implementation of the service and provide the requested information to the Foundation’s experts so that the service can be started. The materials and information to be provided include all information, instructions, materials, and documents necessary for the effective and compliant performance of the service. The Customer agrees to support the work of the Grafituki™ service proactively and actively, and to respond to questions or requests addressed to them within a reasonable time. The Customer is responsible for providing the Foundation with sufficient, relevant, and accurate information for the performance of the service. The Customer is responsible for the information and materials they provide to the Foundation and their adequacy for the performance of the work. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that they have all the rights (including copyrights) to transfer the materials to the Foundation for this work.

After the completion of the service, the Customer agrees to provide feedback on the service and the activities of the Foundation and experts upon request, and to support the development of the service with their own suggestions.

The Customer agrees that when requesting the service, they act in their own name or on behalf of the SME they represent, and do not request the service on behalf of a third party.

11. Confidentiality, Secrecy, and Limitations of Liability

The Foundation’s personnel involved in handling applications or providing expert services are committed to confidentiality and secrecy. The employment contracts of the experts employed include a confidentiality clause that requires them to keep confidential and not to use for any other purpose the information received from the customer for this task. The confidentiality obligation continues even after the termination of the employment relationship.

12. Force Majeure

The Foundation is not responsible for delays or damages caused by an obstacle beyond the Foundation’s control, which the Foundation could not reasonably have taken into account when accepting the application and the consequences of which the Foundation could not reasonably have avoided or overcome.

The Foundation must immediately notify the Customer of the force majeure and the cessation of the obstacle. 

13. Compensation for Damages and Limitations of Liability

The Foundation is liable to the Customer for direct, indirect, or consequential damages caused by breaching the delivery terms. Indirect damages also include damages and costs caused by the destruction, loss, or alteration of information or files, such as the costs of recreating files.

The Foundation is liable for indirect damages only if the damage was caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct.For all damages, the Foundation’s liability for damages based on the granted service is limited to a maximum of one thousand (1,000) euros.

The Foundation or the Customer are not liable for delays and damages caused by an obstacle beyond their control, which could not reasonably have been taken into account at the time of the contract and the consequences of which could not reasonably have been avoided.

14. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

Any disputes regarding the contract will be resolved primarily through negotiations between the Foundation and the Customer. If a satisfactory solution is not reached within forty (40) days, either party may file a lawsuit in the Helsinki District Court. Finnish law applies to these delivery terms and the resolution of disputes arising from them.

15. Changes to Delivery Terms 

These Delivery Terms come into effect when they are published in connection with the delivered Service and are valid until further notice. The Delivery Terms replace all previous general service contract and delivery terms of the Foundation and any other agreements between the parties related to this service. The Foundation may later unilaterally change these Delivery Terms without notifying the Customer in advance.