The Foundation for Finnish Inventions monitors the progress of the inventions it funds. The recipient of the funding is committed, in accordance with the Foundation’s funding agreement, to report annually or upon request on the progress of the project and the use of the Foundation’s funding. To facilitate reporting, we send a pre-filled annual report form by mail to each Foundation for Finnish Inventions funding customer. The form must be filled in with information about the invention project for the previous year.

You can complete the pre-filled form by hand or on a computer and return it to the Foundation for Finnish Inventions according to the instructions you receive.

Annual report form (.pdf)


Add all missing information to the form. Fill in the form carefully and correct any errors. If you fill out the report on a computer, print it out on paper at the end. Sign the form and mail it to the address you can find here.

If you need more information, please contact us!